If you are interested in becoming an Operation Theatre Technologist, here are the general steps you can take:

1.      Education: To become an Operation Theatre Technologist, you will need to complete a diploma or degree program in Operation Theatre Technology. This program usually takes 2-3 years and is offered by many educational institutions and universities. You can check with your local educational institutions or research online for available programs.

2.      Gain Experience: After completing your education, you will need to gain experience working in an Operation Theatre setting. This can be achieved through internships or on-the-job training in a hospital or medical center. You may also consider volunteering to gain experience and learn more about the profession.

3.      Certification: Many countries require Operation Theatre Technologists to be certified. You can check with your country's governing body or professional association to find out what the requirements are for certification. Some certifications may require passing an exam or completing a certain number of hours of experience.

4.      Continuing Education: As with any healthcare profession, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and procedures. You may need to participate in continuing education courses to maintain your certification and stay current in the field.