To become a dentist, you must complete the following steps:

1.      Complete a Bachelor's degree: You must complete a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Although there is no specific major required, most dental schools recommend taking science courses such as biology, chemistry, and physics.

2.      Take the Dental Admission Test (DAT): The Dental Admission Test (DAT) is a standardized test that measures your academic and scientific knowledge. Most dental schools require applicants to take the DAT.

3.      Attend Dental School: After completing a Bachelor's degree and passing the DAT, you must attend dental school. Dental school typically takes four years to complete and includes both classroom and clinical instruction.

4.      Obtain a License: After completing dental school, you must obtain a license to practice dentistry. Licensing requirements vary by state but typically include passing a written and practical exam.

5.      Consider Specialization: After obtaining a license, you can pursue a specialization in a specific area of dentistry such as orthodontics, endodontics, or periodontics. Specialization typically requires additional education and training.

Becoming a dentist requires a significant amount of education and training, but it can be a rewarding career that offers the opportunity to help people maintain good oral health and overall well-being.